I'm a Biologist with an interest in understanding the origins and evolution of humans and their ancestors.
The principle sources for our understanding of human origins and evolution are the fossil remains of homonids and the artifacts and other remains that directy reflect their behavioural and other activities. These artifacts include tools and weapons, habitation structures, faunal remains and other features of human origin such as objects of art.
Lithic remains such as stone tools and the by-products of their manufacture are of invaluable importance for understanding homonid behaviour, not only because they give the most detailed picture of past behaviour but simply because they are the most common remains still available and because they are virtually indestructible and remain preserved over the enormous span of time during which homonids made them.
I have been fascinated by stone age artifacts from a young age and started collecting and studying them after working at the Natural History Museum in Maastricht during my University years under the supervision of Geologist and Palaeo-biologist Sjeuf Felder, who has been a great source of inspiration ever since.
The purpose of this blog is to share my stone artifact collection and findings and discuss them in the light of recent developments in Palaeo-biology and Human Prehistoric Archeology.